Monday, November 26, 2007

New Concept of Love - Property

Não confundas o amor com o delírio da posse, que acarreta os piores sofrimentos. Porque, contrariamente à opinião comum, o amor não faz sofrer. O instinto de propriedade, que é o contrário do amor, esse é que faz sofrer. (...) Eu sei assim reconhecer aquele que ama verdadeiramente: é que ele não pode ser prejudicado. O amor verdadeiro começa lá onde não se espera mais nada em troca.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, em 'Cidadela

you little girl

Did I took the Collar away from you? you are wrong. The Collar is yours since the day you were born. W/we made it conscious in O/our minds shortly after December 6th, 2001 and the current symbol was handmade in December 2005 to seal the most important stage of O/our lifes. It is a Seal that will last forever and it is Mine and yours. It is now protected in a safe place.

Do you know, you little girl, where is the most protected place on earth for It? It is in My Heart, which also belongs to you as I will not allow anybody to enter it. The Collar as a value is deeply inside My Heart and the Collar as a material symbol is always carried with Me on My necklace, quite close to the Heart. It is protected here and most importantly, you are protected as well.

you said that the world should not revolve around Me. you are right as far as the general world is concerned. However, you are wrong regarding your world, you little girl.

I am the only One able to protect you and to give you what you need. you know that. The One who gives you Love and passion, pain and pleasure, bondage and shibari, discipline and meaning of Life. The One who is able to repair water heating systems, diesel injection systems and do house repairsJ you name it. you need Me to give you support and progression in your professional career. To give you advice and guidance. you know where the fine balance and taste of regular life and kinky perversion lies. you know that nobody will ride the spiral with you with such wisdom.

you, little girl, take your time to fly by yourself. By the end you will return to My safe port. you know that. That is the true “rumo ao verdadeiro AMOR”. I am the One who Loves you. Without conditions.
"Free for Life... for truth... \nfor purity... hope”. I do agree. That is My way for you. With you.

"Thorn apart but pride...full of \nherself...full”. Did you mean thrown apart? you need Me to correct your english…you should be pride and full of yourself, but not feel thrown apart. you are reconstructing yourself as part of your maturing process. It is an essencial step in your life. you will get stronger and bigger. Take your time. I am here and nobody else will replace you. you are Mine.

Those are words of Hope and Friendship. Words of Love. Feel yourself proud in receiving them. Let your Heart use them wisely. Do not forget that the Seal is forever and no matter what happens you may count on Me. I am yours.

“Free for Life... for truth... for purity... hope”. I do agree. That is My way for you. With you.

“Thorn apart but pride...full of herself...full”. Did you mean thrown apart? you need Me to correct your english… you should be pride and full of yourself, but not feel thrown apart. you are reconstructing yourself as part of your maturing process. It is an essencial step in your life. you will get stronger and bigger. Take your time. I am here and nobody else will replace you. you are Mine.

Those are words of Hope and Friendship. Words of Love. Feel yourself proud in receiving them. Let your Heart use them wisely. Do not forget that the Seal is forever and no matter what happens you may count on Me. I am yours.

I do Love you. I feel it stronger everyday. you need Me as well.


Sir Me said...

fez-me lembrar aquela velha máxima.. "abre a mão e deixa-o voar.. se voltar é porque sempre foi teu.. se não voltar é porque nunca foi.."

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